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FLL competition

FIRST LEGO League (FLL®) is a competition catering for upper-primary and lower-secondary school students. Every year, teams of up to 10 students build, program and compete with a robot, while also learning about a modern problem in science and engineering and developing solutions for it. The entire competition for the year is based around one of these themes: Past themes include natural disasters, senior citizens, food health & safety, climate change, medical science, and nanotechnology.
Tournaments are run with the feel of a sporting event, and teams compete like crazy while having the time of their lives. What FLL teams accomplish is nothing short of amazing. It’s fun. It’s exciting. And the skills they learn will last a lifetime. FLL is a multi-part competition judged on three important elements








Every year, FIRST LEGO League releases a Challenge, which is based on a real-world scientific topic.
Each Challenge has three parts: the Robot Game, the Project, and the Core Values. Teams of up to ten children, with at least two adult coaches, participate in the Challenge by programming an autonomous robot to score points on a themed playing field (Robot Game), developing a solution to a problem they have identified (Project), all guided by the FIRST LEGO League Core Values. Teams may then attend an 
official tournament, hosted by our FIRST LEGO League Partners.



Past challenge:

Have been based on topics such as nanotechnology, climate, quality of life for the handicapped population, and transportation. By designing our Challenges around such topics, participants are exposed to potential career paths within a chosen Challenge topic, in addition to solidifying the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) principles that naturally come from participating in the program. Team members also learn valuable life and employment kills which will benefit them no matter which career path they choose.



Participation rules:
A team counts 3 to 10 children working on the robot and research project together. The participants have to be between 9 and 16 years old. The deadline for the age limit is the FLL Kickoff date of the upcoming season: end of August/early September (2017: 29th of August).

The Coach (minimum age 18) is responsible in all fields of organization. He or she is allowed to register a team (or more than a team) and to order FLL materials. One coach can register several but teams but they have to participate in the same tournament region. Besides that, he or she takes care of the team before and during the tournament day. The coach is not programming or researching himself but helping the team to find its own solutions.


About awards :



People who participated from Egypt:


1- Robofy team from Fayoum Future Public Language School has won the first place in the First Lego League (FLL) Egypt's Robotics Championship 2016, held in March.
The winning team is one of the public schools—participating for the very first time this year—that has been supported by the Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center (TIEC). The support is a part of a program launched by TIEC last year to support and qualify public schools and to provide the necessary robot kits and technical support to participate in TIEC supports the participation of 30 public schools geographically distributed over 17 govern-orates across the country. TIEC pays registration fees of schools in the competition, provides a playground for training and offers robot kits for the completion of tasks and training.
The winning team from Egypt's Championship 2016 will qualify to represent the country in the final competition in the United States of America, where teams from more than 80 countries compete for valuable prizes and scholarships offered by the largest international scientific institutions. This event has been held at the end of April 2016.



2- Galaxy Team which is consists of Mahmoud Osama fawzy, Abdurrahman Ahmed Omar, Amr Amin …. They participated 2015 and take the Fourth place at the level of the Republic Word from MAHMOUD about the competition:
In FLL competition we’ve learned about who to make a robot for 21000 pounds, thinking out of the box to face the challenges, who to make a poster and who to do the best presentation so all of this makes us get used to the work of the collective.











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